Keyword Browse

For Pteridology

Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

agamospory (1 Abstract)
allopolyploidy (1 Abstract)
antheridiogen (1 Abstract)
antheridiogen evolution (1 Abstract)
apogamy (1 Abstract)
apomixis (2 Abstracts)
Aquatic plants (1 Abstract)
asexual (1 Abstract)
Asplenium (1 Abstract)
Asymmetric leaves 1 (1 Abstract)
Beringia (1 Abstract)
Biodiversity (1 Abstract)
Bower (1 Abstract)
CAM (1 Abstract)
Community phylogenetics (1 Abstract)
Cretaceous (1 Abstract)
cryptic species (1 Abstract)
dark germination (1 Abstract)
differential expression (1 Abstract)
diplospory (1 Abstract)
divergence time estimation (1 Abstract)
Döpp-Manton sporogenesis (1 Abstract)
ecological niche modelling (1 Abstract)
fern (3 Abstracts)
Floristics (1 Abstract)
gametophyte (1 Abstract)
genomics (1 Abstract)
homeolog (1 Abstract)
Isoetes (1 Abstract)
Japan (1 Abstract)
Last Glacial Maximum (1 Abstract)
leaf development (1 Abstract)
leaf phenology (1 Abstract)
lycophytes (1 Abstract)
meiotic obligate apogamy (1 Abstract)
Myb genes (1 Abstract)
northeastern United States (1 Abstract)
phasing (1 Abstract)
pheromone (1 Abstract)
Phyletic Slide (1 Abstract)
polyploidy (3 Abstracts)
premeiotic endomitosis (1 Abstract)
Pteridaceae (1 Abstract)
range (1 Abstract)
reproduction (2 Abstracts)
Seed-free (1 Abstract)
Shade-intolerant (1 Abstract)
Spatial phylogenetics (1 Abstract)
spore size (1 Abstract)
temperate forest (1 Abstract)
transcription factors (1 Abstract)
transcriptomics (1 Abstract)
Virginia (1 Abstract)
wintergreen (1 Abstract)

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